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Posted June 21, 2017 in Body Contouring, Cosmetic Surgery, Eliminates Stubborn fatty tissue, Full Body Contouring, Liposuction, Long-lasting Results, Smartlipo™, VASERlipo®

Plastic surgery has been around for decades, and its popularity continues to grow. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2016 statistics recently came out, and it revealed that people are still undergoing plastic surgery procedures every year. In fact, more than 15 billion dollars was spent on cosmetic surgery last year. That is a 1.5 billion dollar increase from the previous year. As the demand to stay young, thin, and beautiful remains the societal standard, more people are seeking cosmetic enhancements to look and feel better about themselves. Liposuction remains the most requested procedure in 2016. It isn’t surprising since fat is one of the hardest things to get rid of. Fat always seems to cling in fibrous areas of the body such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Liposuction can help someone end the battle of the bulges by targeting one or multiple areas containing excess fat.

Before and After Liposuction Patient by Dr. Morales

Benefits of Liposuction

Why does liposuction continue to maintain its height in popularity? It is because it offers what diet and exercise cannot do alone: remove stubborn fat. Liposuction provides patients with many benefits, such as:

  • Eliminates stubborn fatty tissue
  • Sculpts the body
  • Enhances an individual’s natural curves
  • Long-lasting results
  • Safe and effective
  • Tailored results

Liposuction FAQs

Who Is a Candidate?

Men and women who are physically healthy are ideal candidates for liposuction. Patients should have good skin elasticity and have already tried diet and exercise to achieve their goals resulting in little to no success. They should be emotionally ready for surgery without any serious medical conditions and are willing to maintain their results post-surgery.

How Is Liposuction Performed?

Different liposuction techniques can be performed to effectively remove fat from any area of the body. A long metal rod (cannula) is inserted through small incisions that are made in the target area(s). The cannula helps to break up the fat cells before removal. One or a combination of techniques can be used:

  • Traditional liposuction: The cannula is hooked up to a vacuum device used to extract the fat from the body.
  • Ultrasonic and VASERlipo®: Ultrasound technology is used to liquefy the fat cells to allow for smooth removal and quicker healing time.
  • Laser liposuction or Smartlipo™: Heat is emitted from a laser to break up the fat and tighten the skin to create smoother results.

What Are the Results?

There were more than 400,000 liposuction procedures performed last year. This number is only expected to grow due to the results it can provide. Once swelling and bruising have subsided, and the skin has tightened to the patient’s new smaller size, they will notice how slender and sculpted their body looks. They will see how great their body forms beneath clothing as well as unveiled. Patients can feel confident to show off their curves in fashions that they had typically steered away from before.

If you would like to learn more about liposuction and how it can help you achieve a better body, schedule your consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Morales today! He can evaluate your anatomy and goals, and help you decide on the best liposuction technique for you. Contact us by calling (214) 827-8407 or by filling out our online contact form.

Now Offering Morpheus8!

Dr. David Morales is proud to announce that Morpheus8 RF Microneedling is now being offered!

Call us at 214.827.8407 or contact us Here.

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