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Posted May 11, 2022 in Plastic Surgery Recovery, Rhinoplasty

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There is no hiding the reality that the shape and size of your nose drastically affects the way your entire face looks. While this is good news for some people (you know, those people with a perfect, enviable facial aesthetic), this reality can be troubling for many men and women (young and older) who suffer from an unattractive nasal appearance. 

Whether you have a crooked nose, frustrating nasal tip projection, an overly wide or long nose, or an unsightly nasal bump, rhinoplasty (corrective nose surgery, commonly referred to as a “nose job”) can help. This correction can even be seen with some of our favorite celebrities!

Many lying in bed with a bandaged nose while he recovers from nose surgery

And one of the best parts about rhinoplasty is that, unlike other plastic surgery procedures, you don’t have to be a fully grown adult to undergo the surgery. 

In fact, you only have to wait until your nose has stopped growing, which usually happens in females at about the age of 15 or 16, and in males at the age of 17. This means that there is no excuse for anyone to put off correcting a bothersome feature of their face. 

The only question that needs to be asked is: When is the best time to have and recover from my rhinoplasty? 

Well, below, you’ll find some answers.

What Is Rhinoplasty, and How Is It Performed?

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that helps patients correct the shape, size, and projection of their nose. One of the best parts about this procedure is that the results are dramatic — just see our rhinoplasty before and after results here! After your rhinoplasty, you’ll have improved confidence and feel more comfortable with the look of your nose, as well as your entire face!

Dr. Morales offers both open and closed rhinoplasty to give you the best results possible. With either technique, you will be given general anesthesia so that you don’t feel any pain or discomfort during the actual procedure. 

After you’ve been given the anesthesia, Dr. Morales will make an incision either in the area between the nostrils (for open rhinoplasty) or within the actual nostrils (for closed rhinoplasty). Open rhinoplasty is geared toward patients who require more significant correction than those patients who have closed rhinoplasty

At your consultation, Dr. Morales will evaluate your condition and determine which technique is best for you. After the incision is made, Dr. Morales will make the actual correction. 

Depending on the level of nasal sculpting needed, Dr. Morales will shave and contour the bone and cartilage (for reduction) or tissue graphs or nasal implants will be used (for augmentation). 

Once the correction is made, the incision will be closed, and you’ll be ready to begin your recovery.

Face profiles of four woman of different ethnicities

What Is Rhinoplasty Recovery Like?

Rhinoplasty is not the most difficult cosmetic procedure to recover from, when compared to other, more intrusive and extensive plastic surgery procedures. 

That being said, it still requires downtime. Most patients are able to return to work and most activities after only one to two weeks (with minimal visible bruising and swelling) and should be back to their normal, daily activities after two to four weeks. 

Full rhinoplasty recovery can take up to a year; however, you will be unaware of this because much of the remaining swelling will be internal. 

So, When Is the Best Time to Have Rhinoplasty?

If you are deciding when to have your rhinoplasty performed, there are a few things you should consider. 

First and foremost, you need to think about your recovery period. During those few weeks of recovery, you need to make sure that you are able to give yourself and your body the rest and relaxation it needs. 

Think about it: plastic surgery is nothing more than intentional injury to your body, so you have to allow your body to heal itself. 

For adults, this may mean using some vacation days, or strategically planning your rhinoplasty around holidays. However, for younger patients who may still have summer breaks from school, summer can be the very best time to recover from rhinoplasty. 

During your recovery, you will have significant bruising and swelling in your nose and the surrounding areas. You will also experience some discomfort, though pain can be alleviated with prescription and over-the-counter medications. Additionally, you will be required to wear a nasal splint to maintain the shape of the nose. 

It is important that you don’t engage in any strenuous activities during the first week or two of your recovery, so planning your rhinoplasty around time off (like summer vacation) can allow you to heal without any social or school distractions. 

Instead, you’ll be able to sit back on the couch and binge your favorite show while you recover from your surgery. 

In the end, your rhinoplasty procedure needs to work for you and your schedule, but to make sure that your rhinoplasty results are exactly what you’re looking for, make sure that you schedule your surgery at a time when you can fully recover at your own pace.

Have More Questions?

If you would like more information about rhinoplasty in Dallas or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Morales, call us at (214) 827-8407 or fill out our online contact form.

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